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Liv Rocks

Sage Bundle | White Sage, Chakra Rose Petals + Lavender

Sage Bundle | White Sage, Chakra Rose Petals + Lavender

Regular price $8.90 USD
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Sage Bundle | White Sage, Chakra Rose Petals + Lavender | Smudging, or burning Sage, is a more well-known ritual descending from Indigenous cultures. The Shamans would use dried Sage on their fires as a part of a ritual to connect with the Spirit World. The smoke from the Sage purifies and releases any negative energy or illness from the energy field of a person or space.  Salvia apiana, or White Sage, is derived from the Latin word "salvare" which means "to heal" or to "feel well and be healthy".   Smudging your sacred space, your home and especially your body, is like taking an energetic shower. The smoke changes the ionic composition of the air and has an major effect on reducing stress and releasing what no longer serves our well being.
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